
Our team has extensive experience across a variety of fields.

  • Our team have specialist backgrounds countering complex threats in challenging environments and building elite teams that thrive in high-pressured situations.

  • Our team have experience in machine learning, cloud computing, and wrangling large datasets, whether these be unstructured datasets dervied from social media mining or structured outputs from cybersecurity systems.

    We have expertise in statistics, Python, R, and deep learning libraries such as Tensorflow.

  • Our conservation science experience covers a broad array of charismatic keystone species, from jaguars to elephants to bonobos.

    Our team have analysed and advised on collection strategies for camera-trap, telemetry, and transect surveys.

    We have experience in habitat suitability modelling (including the use of MaxEnt and random forests), occupancy modelling, agent-based modelling, and the use of R packages such as DISTANCE and SECR to estimate density of threatened mammal populations.

  • We possess specialist expertise in data model design, technical data collection, and the delivery of intelligence processes, structures, and training.

    Drawing on our experience, we empower our partners with the capacity to use data-driven insights to tackle conservation challenges and optimise their operations.

  • Our Team has previous specialist experience at governmental level of countering hostile and illegal transnational networks .

    We currently employ cutting edge technologies, software and cyber tools to map complex networks to support select investigative organisations.

  • Our team uses experience in environmental and conservation legislative frameworks to assist our regional partners and up-skill the capabilities of the enforcement, prosecution, or judiciary.